How to get to the Cannes Film Festival
Denis Korablev
  • 12.01.2020
  • 735

How to get to the Cannes Film Festival

Have you ever wondered how to get to the Cannes Film Festival without being a celebrity or director? In other words, how can we ordinary people get access to it? We decided to find out how mere mortals can get tickets to one of the most prestigious events in the world.

To attend screenings at the Cannes Film Festival, you must either be an accredited participant or have an official invitation. Apart from screenings at the Cinéma de la Plage (beachfront cinema), which operates on a first-come-first-served basis, and a limited number of tickets for two director weeks, the general public does not have access to screenings at the festival.

If you are an accredited member, tickets are required only in some cases. In the past few years, ticket sales have shifted from a “come early and wait” model to an online service. To receive tickets, you will now only need a unique ticket code (provided upon receipt of the accreditation package) and a badge - the participant needs to enter the website for selling tickets for the festival.

At the beginning of the festival, you will be asked to log in and select the days you will be in Cannes. You will then be prompted for a screening schedule for those days, and you will be able to select the films for which you would like to purchase a ticket. Unfortunately, this does not guarantee that you will receive a ticket; rather, it sets you up in an opaque system in which some people receive distributed tickets and others do not.

In any case, approximately 24 hours before the scheduled checkout time, you will receive a notification via the same website (which is why you need to be logged in) whether your request was successful or not. For those who have achieved receipt, tickets will be issued at the "Billetterie Centrale" located in the Mediteranee Hall of the Palais des Festivals - at least 4 hours before the show.

Key tip for successful ticket acquisition: Dress in your best evening wear - for men this means a black suit with a tie, and for women it means a ball gown. The famous red carpet premieres have a strict black dress code meaning royal dresses for women, bow ties and tuxedos for men. When else in your life can you dress like a movie star? Don't miss this moment! If you really want to go to the Cannes Film Festival, you have to play this role. Then head to the entrances to the Palais des Festivals - and get ready to wait. Actors and filmmakers are given a certain number of tickets to attend the Cannes Film Festival and are fined if they do not use all of the tickets. Sometimes they give these tickets to well-dressed people just waiting at the entrances! Many of them are holding a sign that says "Please, one ticket!" In order to be noticed sooner.

The fishing port of Cannes is home to many luxurious modern yachts, and from here you can easily reach the magnificent seaside resorts of the Côte d'Azur: Antibes, Saint-Tropez, Monaco and others. If you are interested in a boat trip, you will need yacht charter in Cannes, preferably accompanied by a professional skipper. Renting a yacht will allow you to relax at the seaside resort, visit its vibrant events and go to the nearest islands.

What to do if you can't log in

If our advice doesn't help and you run out of tickets, don't despair. Here are some ways to get the most out of your Cannes Film Festival.

Cannes TV Shows

Anyone can walk down the red carpet - along with the excited crowds, you can watch the action on giant TV screens. Even if you are not a direct participant in an exciting event, you can still watch the events from a decent distance.

Cinema de la Plage on Cannes Beach

Cinéma de la Plage on Cannes' open-air beach publishes the film festival schedule every evening and can be a great option for a festive atmosphere. If you want to gaze at the stars, Cinéma de la Plage is open to everyone and it's free! Just try to get there early to rent a sun lounger.

Spotting celebrities in Cannes restaurants and bars

The evening comes when the bars in Cannes are full of visitors to the event. The most popular beach bars host elite, exclusive parties. Guest list bouncers won't let onlookers enter, but you can keep a good eye on celebrities getting in and out of there. The same is true for restaurants, but here you may be more fortunate and can spend more time with celebrities if your budget allows you to count on expensive meals.

There is no shortage of luxury hotels in Cannes, and by the time the Cannes Film Festival takes place, their rooms are guaranteed to be booked by celebrities. Majestic, Martinez and Carlton are the best places to catch a glimpse of famous people getting in or out of their vehicles. The best way to join the luxurious world of successful people in this region is to visit it on a yacht, but if you don't have a yacht, don't be discouraged, 2yachts, as a reliable intermediary in the rental and sale of pleasure craft market, will help you in this matter.

Some facts about the Cannes Film Festival

Endless talk about how to get to the Cannes Film Festival inspired us to share with the reader some facts about this stellar event:

  • Cannes Film Festival is the second largest media event in the world, surpassed only by the Olympic Games;
  • Cannes's population triples during the film festival to a record 200,000.
  • The instantly recognizable red carpet that drapes the steps of the Palais des Festivals is changed during the Film Festival 3 times a day to keep it looking pristine.

If you are lucky enough to attend the Cannes Film Festival, we hope you will have a great time there! If not, we've given you a lot of tips on how you can have a good time in Cannes. It is possible that next year you will be shaking hands with George Clooney or Nicole Kidman ...